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Salvis Juribus is a fully independent legal journal (ISSN: 2464-9775) based on the principle of legal social journalism and powered by the voices of free authors. Anyone can become an author: you don’t need to have a license card or a gold plate, you don’t need to «get into the circle of legal journalism».
Salvis Juribus pays authors using a meritocratic principle: the number of readers reading their contents within 30 days from the day of publication.
The more the articles written by a contributor are interesting, the more contributor will earn. The article that reaches or exceeds 3000 unique pageviews will be paid.
Salvis Juribus fosters the authors to use social network to entertain their followers sharing great news and great content.
Salvis Juribus strongly believes in independent information made by independent people with different points of view.
The authors can express controversial opinions and are held accountable for what they write by the Salvis Juribus community. Salvis Juribus believes in freedom of speech and respects the laws and customs of people from different countries and cultures.
The authors must publish only original content, and verify all of the sources and information they use.
The authors don’t have to publish pre-packaged material nor advertising content. Each article is scanned by an automated anti-plagiarism technology. As a result, Salvis Juribus will not publish content copied from other sites, content that violating copyright and trademark rights or content that has a purely promotional intentions. Real authors firmly reject churnalism.
The authors have access to a reserved area and they can only submit articles as a “proposal for publication”; submitted articles are reviewed by Salvis Juribus, who has the authority to publish, modify, or reject them.
Our magazine is looking for 130 authors. Deadline for applying is on 31 October 2016.
Learn more by clicking on THIS PAGE.
Salvis Juribus – Rivista di informazione giuridica
Direttore responsabile Avv. Giacomo Romano
Listed in ROAD, con patrocinio UNESCO
Copyrights © 2015 - ISSN 2464-9775
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Salvis Juribus è la prima piattaforma online di legal social journalism che ti permette di scrivere articoli e guadagnare.
L’iscrizione è gratuita e la tua retribuzione è basata su criteri meritocratici: i compensi, infatti, sono collegati al numero di utenti che leggono i tuoi contenuti. Più il tuo articolo è letto, più le tue possibilità di guadagno aumentano.
Salvis Juribus non è solo una semplice piattaforma online, ma è una Rivista scientifica (ISSN: 2464-9775) che vanta un ampio network di cultori della materia giuridica. La presenza dell’ISSN consente di attribuire ai contributi presenti nella Rivista criteri di scientificità (L. 1/2009). La Rivista è, inoltre, inserita all’interno del portale ROAD patrocinato dall’UNESCO come portale scientifico open access. I contributi possono essere, quindi, presentati per la valutazione nei concorsi pubblici o in ambiente accademico.