Sprachassistent/in im Ausland: Gelegenheit des Wachstums und des Lernens
Im Rahmen der bilateralen Kulturabkommen zwischen Italien und anderen europäischen Ländern haben die Sekundarschulen die Möglichkeit, in...

Quando il tiranno non ha diritti
Giurisdizione Universale e Crimini di Capi di Stato: la prima condanna. Il caso Habrè. Quando si parla di sovranità nazionale, l’ambito della...

Turchia, si possono davvero sospendere i diritti umani?
Sembra ormai lontana la notte del golpe in Turchia, la notte del tentato colpo di stato che ha visto l’esercito turco sconfitto e il presidente...

Windows 10 viola la privacy
La CNIL (Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés), autorità amministrativa indipendente francese a tutela dei dati personali...

Olympiade im Deutschen, zwei italienische Mädchen bei finaler Phase in Berlin
Die Olympiade der deutschen Sprache hat in Berlin am Sonntag begonnen. Die Finale Phase endet am 30 Juli und 68 Länder werden mit ihren bestern...

Commento ordinanza Tribunale di Milano RG 64207/2015 – nuovi migranti economici
Nella vasta e complessa materia della tutela degli immigrati nel nostro Paese, divenuta sempre più attuale per le note vicende migratorie degli...

Principle of Subsidiarity. Is it working?
The limits of Union competences are governed by the principle of conferral. The use of Union competences is governed by the principles of...

EU Court split on the ban on wearing a veil
On two pretty similar cases the EU Advocates General, Juliane Kokott and Eleanor Sharpston, have reached opposite conclusions. While, in the...

Refusal to grant residence permit to gay couple on family grounds
Taddeucci and McCall v. Italy – European Court of Human Rights In the case of Taddeucci and McCall v. Italy (application no. 51362/09) the...

European Commission calls for renewed commitment to Roma integration
This year’s assessment provides, for the first time, an overview of the measures put in place by Member States following the 2013 Council...

Interception of law-enforcement officers’ radio communications by journalists
Brambilla and Others v. Italy – European Court of Human Rights In the case of Brambilla and Others v. Italy (application no. 22567/09) the...

Motu Proprio “Like a loving mother”. New rules for cases of child abuse in the catholic church
Apostolic letter Motu proprio: Like a loving mother It will enter into force next September 5, 2016, after Pope Francis issued a document on 4...