Motu proprio “Come una madre amorevole”. Nuove norme per i casi di pedofilia nella Chiesa Cattolica
a cura di Giuseppe Di Micco Entrerà in vigore il prossimo 5 settembre 2016, il documento emanato da Papa Francesco il 4 giugno scorso. Non è molto...

Vuoi aprire un’impresa negli Stati Uniti? Ecco i modelli societari più adatti
a cura di Vincenzo Tomasello Il mercato statunitense: un’opportunità per le imprese italiane Gli Stati Uniti, con un Prodotto Interno Lordo pari...

Investigation into alleged rape of girl with intellectual disability
Case of I.C. v. Romania In the case of I.C. v. Romania (application no. 36934/08) the European Court of Human Rights held, unanimously, that there...

Protecting European consumers: toys and clothing top the list of dangerous products
The European Commission published new figures on 25 April 2016 showing that, in 2015, more than 2,000 dangerous products triggered EU-wide alerts...

Criminal conviction for drug trafficking of truck driver was not unfair
Poletan and Azirovik v. “The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia” In the case of Poletan and Azirovik v. “The former Yugoslav Republic of...

Arrest and prosecution for breaches of public assembly rules
Novikova and others v. Russia In the case of Novikova and others v. Russia (application nos. 25501/07, 57569/11, 80153/12, 5790/13 and 35015/13)...

Ineffective investigation into racist threats by participants of anti-Roma march
Case of R.B. v. Hungary Failure to adequately investigate threats and insults made during anti-Roma march in Hungary In the case of R.B. v...

Eviction of travellers from land on which they had been settled for many years
Case of Winterstein and Others v. France (application no. 27013/07) In the case of Winterstein and Others v. France (application no. 27013/07)...

Arrestations et poursuites pour infraction aux règles sur les réunions publiques
Affaire Novikova et autres c. Russie (requête n os 25501/07, 57569/11, 80153/12, 5790/13 et 35015/13) Dans l’affaire Novikova et autres c. Russie...

Complaint of life imprisonment without realistic prospect of release
Case of Murray v. the Netherlands (application no. 10511/10) In the case of Murray v. the Netherlands (application no. 10511/10) the European...

Refusal to provide a public service to followers of the Alevi faith
Case of İzzettin Doğan and Others v. Turkey (application no. 62649/10) In the case of İzzettin Doğan and Others v. Turkey (application no...

Il sostentamento del clero cattolico in Italia
a cura di Giorgia Cottone Sono ormai trascorsi circa 29 anni da quando negli Acta Apostolicae Sedis e nella Gazzetta Ufficiale della Repubblica...