Use of Mediation to resolve disputes
In the USA, in 1998, Congress passed legislation requiring all federal districts courts to implement and establish alternative dispute resolution (ADR) programs so as to provide litigants with at least one ADR process. Also, each federal agency is required to take steps to promote greater use of mediation and arbitration and other ADT techniques.
Mediation is currently being utilized in many different courts programs in New York and across the country. It is utilized extensively by government agencies, such as the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, and many others, federal, state and local.
Mediation is and can be successfully utilized in virtually and different types of disputes. The dispute can involve two or more major corporations entailing large amounts and transfers of large property interests, or smailer amounts, and sometimes the dispute does not relate to any monetary amount at all. Mediation has been successfully utilized in International disputes between different countries.
The only types of cases that most probably would not be appropriate for mediation are those involving a serious violent criminal proceeding, and cases involving child abuse or domestic violence.
Mediation is a simplified informal flexible process and is cost effective. Litigating in court can be very expensive with resulting high costs of attorney’s fees, discovery of extensive documents, depositions, retaining experts to testify, and generally is time-consuming and emotionally draining upon the parties and their families. Also, the parties have no input in the end result.
With mediation the parties have the opportunity to craft their own agreement with the assistance of a trained mediator. The end result may not always be exactly what all parties want, but they will each have had input in the result, as the process requires give and take from all parties.
When one goes to court, you never know what’s going to happen. One party wins, and one party loses. Many times the result of what happened in court doesn’t have the opportunity to win. There’s always the possibility of obtaining a resolution that could never be optained or achieved in a Court proceeding.
Salvis Juribus – Rivista di informazione giuridica
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Avv. Teresa Rullo
Iscritta all'albo degli Avvocati da febbraio 2016. Laureata in giurisprudenza nel marzo 2012 presso l'Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, discutendo una tesi in diritto amministrativo dal titolo "La Conferenza dei Servizi", relatore Prof. Fiorenzo Liguori. Subito dopo la laurea, nel 2012, ha iniziato la pratica forense presso uno studio legale specializzato in diritto civile. Nel dicembre 2013 ha iniziato a collaborare con un altro studio legale multidisciplinare di medie dimensioni occupandosi, prevalentemente, del contenzioso civile.
negli anni 2015 e 2016 ha seguito il Corso di Perfezionamento in Alti Studi Politici presso l'Università Suor Orsola Benincasa di Napoli, conseguendo l'attestato finale.
Attualmente svolge autonomamente la professione di Avvocato e collabora saltuariamente con uno studio legale operante sia nel settore civile che penale.
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